Gambling Increases Happiness of Seniors

seniors_gamblingThe overall happiness of seniors may be directly linked to their gambling. Casino gambling and busloads of seniors seem to just go together. When I watch them trampling over each other with their walkers, wheelchairs, canes, and oxygen tanks, I can’t help but see myself among them in a few more years. And as it turns out, I may be better for it. That’s because seniors that go gambling regularly are happier people. Studies show that the happiness level of elderly folks spikes sky-high when they’re gambling.

When elderly people do activities that they enjoy they are not only happier but they lesson their chances of dementia (Wang, Karp, Winblad, & Fratiglioni). Gambling is apparently one of those activities that has outstanding health benefits. A research study of a large group of elderly people concluded that seniors that gamble report better health, lower rates of depression and a greater social support network than non-gamblers. So take grandma to the casino and you’ll keep her around longer.

Other researchers have determined that gambling is beneficial to mental health. Not only because it provides social activity but because it also involves problem solving skills, concentration and memory (Christensen & Patsdaughter) at various levels. I’m not sure if Blazing 7’s  qualifies but I can see video poker and table games being helpful in that department.

After the researchers proved that happiness levels increased during gambling activities, they wanted to know how long the effects lasted. Not too surprisingly they found that the happiness level dropped right away. No lasting effects could be determined. Now I don’t know about that. A good day in the casino usually keeps a smile on my face for quite a while. But the research found that the happiness levels dropped after ten minutes and were normal after 30 minutes.

With the discovery of these and other health benefits from gambling I’m wondering if soon we will be able to ask for a prescription for gambling activities. That would be something. Instead of a Valium, ask just ask for three two hour sessions of video poker each day. But don’t ask about the side effects! /MG