Comments on: Four Card Keno Strategy Discovered By Video Poker ‘Pro’ How to Learn, Practice and Play Video Poker and Keno Mon, 24 May 2021 21:05:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Mystic Gambler Fri, 22 Nov 2019 04:50:27 +0000 In reply to ken m.

Bam! And there it was. That’s amazing. Congratulations! What a hit!

By: ken m Thu, 21 Nov 2019 19:20:56 +0000 Good morning!

Well, I finally hit my first 9 spot!!! I usually dont play 9s (due to the odds being very tough hitting the 9 compared to the 8 spot and 7 spot that pay the same or close), but my wife and I have really been dabbling in it of late. It has been pretty profitable – we have hit many 8 of 9 over the last two months or so

This time, I was playing mystic 9 spots at 80 cents.. I came in 9 of the 11 compressed numbers for one 9 spot, seven 8 of 9s and the rest 7 of 9s for a handpay of $1890! .. To be honest, I was very tired so I may have set up the numbers incorrectly. It might have been a bigger hit, but there is nothing wrong with this huge hit on 80 cents!

Thank you again Mystic gambler. There aren’t many games out there that you can win nearly $2000 on one 80 cent bet, and it would not have been that big of a hit on a normal layered card pattern! Your Mathematical efficiency and compression system is the best way to go because of the hits on all cards whether you hit your target mark or not! This is the biggest handpay that I have ever had on a penny game, and in a very unorthodox fashion. It isnt coincidence!

Kind regards

By: ken marsullo Tue, 05 Nov 2019 23:19:21 +0000 In reply to The Mystic Gambler.

Yes sir – 9 of 9 is tough . My wife and I have never hit one (she hit a 10 lol) . I never played the 9 spot in the past because it made no sense to me to have a million to 1 odds against me for the 9 spot against (doable) 250,000-1 odds on the 8 spot for the same 10,000 payout- 1 or 41,000-1 odds on the 7 spot for 7000-1 payouf .. But the 4700-1 payoff for the 8 of 9 with obtainable odds (and the 7 of 9 feeder hits) makes the game very playable!

By: ken Tue, 05 Nov 2019 22:35:10 +0000 In reply to The Mystic Gambler.

Thank you Gary. Ironically, I have bumped into a few players that use the smart charts at different casinos. I also have met a ton of people who have heard of the mystic gamble but had never tried it. They wanted to understand it – and I made them true believers with explosive hits/longer play on 7s over 6s, 8s, you name it.

Whats amazing is that you can play YOUR area. You must compress the numbers correctly (which you can regardless of where you play). I strongly suggest that people watch the example videos – especially the 7 over 6 video, 5 spot video etc. It will explain in relatively understandable detail. Then you take a leap of faith for $11? or less if you just want the 4 card or 20 card chart individually. I can guarantee that TMG is more interested in seeing others win and enjoy the game than making money at that incredible price. The truth is that the information is priceless.

please feel free to email me at if you have general questions, if you are a vet mystic player or are just trying to learn and would like help or a testimonial. I do not work with the mystic gambler, but have taken his info to heart and would like to help

Kind regards

By: The Mystic Gambler Sat, 02 Nov 2019 16:54:56 +0000 In reply to Ken M..

Thanks for the comment and the advice Ken. Folks, we are lucky that Ken takes the time to write these comments. We should take his pointers to heart. One of the things that I have encouraged players to do, once they have the Mystic Charts, is to be creative. The ideas of wrapping (as he put it) and using supporting spots can really help because your replay wins can significantly increase, giving you more chances at hitting your target spot. I played in Laughlin a couple of weeks ago and found a full pay video poker machine that also had multi-card keno available. In between ravishing the jacks or better I played 20 card keno using a technique similar to what Ken has kindly explained here. I had great results as he did. The takeaway here is to use the four card charts as a starting point. Add a dose of logic and notice any bias, then let her rip. May the good news be yours! GB / TMG

By: Ken M. Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:06:37 +0000 Hello!

First of all, I hope that everybody is doing well (and using the charts to their advantage) . To those that are new, you are in the right place! If you would like, take a look at some of my testimonials on this post. Ill admit that there are many, but plenty have specific details of the wins but also why (and how they pertain to how the mystic gambler works). When I see 80 cent players, nickel, dime etc I tell every one of them that any serious gambler should at least look at this sight. Same with people like me that do 40-80 cents.

In the meantime, I have some profitable information for those that already know how to play the smart charts (you must be playing a 20 card machine and have your 4 card charts with you. I dabbled with this before, but I works very well now. You simply use the 4 card keno charts to create 5 unique 4 card keno clusters (20 cards total) instead of playing 1 compressed card on on 20 card keno (or 4 card keno). You use the same base number principal that mystic gambler offers. You will have more fun, more play and more action than 4 card (or 20 card compression) because you are playing 5 cards across the board and they can be 5s, 6s, 8s, 9s 3s – whatever you like. You arent stuck to only 6s, 8s, etc in just one compressed card. Also even with tiny hit after tiny hit and losing, you would think that you wont win. It feels that way. However, for some reason my wife and I have either won or lost very little. We are veteran keno players of many years with MANY patterns (though we have done standard mystic 4 card and 20 card for about 2 years now)

Once somebody learns the basics of the mystic gambler, this also can work for you. It also will be much easier to learn by those who already know how to use the system. If is very fun, and you can win with your money lasting!

For instance:

4 mystic 8s (wrapped into 10 numbers
4 mystic 9s (wrapped into 11 numbers)
4 mystic 7s (wrapped into a 9 spot)
4 more mystic 9s wrapped into 10 numbers (compressed) – different base numbers
4 supporting mystic 3 spots – compressed

This way it is similar to mystic 4 card keno but with more ways to win and significantly more play. It is easier to get big hits as you essentially have 5 cards (played exactly like one card on mystic four card keno). We just started back on this – and have done extremely well. For some reason, particuly well on 9s (which we seldomly play) .. 10 8 of 9s in 3 trips? 3 on compressed patterns. The damn 9 of 11 has come in twice, but just got the 8 of 9 with 3 7 of 9s !!! Also tons of 7 of 8s, 6s, etc. Just a new way to try!!
Again, I must reiterate .. Any real or frequent Keno player MUST have these charts .. We all have our systems . Without sounding arrogant or full of it, I even have a few that I have mentioned before that are extremely unique .. Ones that my wife and I have never seen keno players play, yet Mystic gambler is better .. I cant believe how many big hits that Ive had in a relatively low amount of play (vs my other systems), yet have huge hits and more play with his system! Good luck and get the smart charts to WIN!

By: The Mystic Gambler Sun, 03 Mar 2019 00:00:05 +0000 In reply to Nancy New.

Thank you for the kind words.

By: Nancy New Sat, 02 Mar 2019 23:11:44 +0000 In reply to The Mystic Gambler.

ok .. I was not really sure where to post.. so I will post here. I thought it was really about time that I posted about my husband and my experiences with all of the charts that we purchased over several years ago. Well we have made several thousands of dollars.. What else can I say??? I suppose I could be more specific. Many times I have sat at a bar and was so excited that my video machine in 4 card poker kept going off… I needed to share my success with the people around me..otherwise I probably would have been shot..just kidding…We just love it when we see “Call Attendant” which if course means a jackpot of over $1.200. But we’ve seen $3,000-$6.000. And a whole lot in between. I have become very fond of my four card 3 spot.. lots of decent money.. real quick.. My husband likes four card 5 spot.. so there you go. It is the best.. Can’t believe the price!!!

By: Ken m Tue, 29 Jan 2019 04:24:43 +0000 In reply to Andrew Johnson.

Ps – he’s for real guys ! I’ve seen the pics with hits similar to mine ! Good for Andrew – another benefactor from TMG smart charts

By: The Mystic Gambler Mon, 28 Jan 2019 02:13:00 +0000 In reply to Andrew Johnson.

I’m so happy for you. We have so many happy keno players that use the charts but mostly get emails. It’s kind of you to take the time to comment here, on the website. I wish you the very best and continued big wins. May the good news always be yours! / TMG
