Easy Jacks or Better Video Poker Strategy

Jack_or_Better_1Maybe you’ve heard the playing video poker is the best game in the casino if you learn the strategy. But maybe you’ve never bothered to find out more because you thought that learning the strategies would be too difficult.  If so, this article is for you.

You won’t become a video poker pro but by using a few easy rules instead of guessing, you’ll be able to play longer, win more often and rack up a ton of points on your player’s card.  These simple rules are perfect if you’re going on vacation or if you just go to the casino once in a while.  And you can practice what you learn here, any time for free here: Practice Video Poker from TheMysticGambler.com.

Start by simply looking for any video poker machines that are called jacks or better. If you don’t see a jacks or better stand alone machine, you’ll often find it as a selection on most Game King machines. The strategy will also work for the game called Bonus Poker, but look at the pay table and make sure that when you get to pair that you’ll double your bet. So for a five point bet you’ll win 10 credits when you get two pair. For now, avoid any game that doesn’t double your bet when you win on two pair.

Playing the game is easy. You just bet one to five coins and the machine will deal you five cards. Then you’ll choose which cards to hold and which ones to throw away. The machine then deals cards to replace what you threw away and pays you, according to the value of your hand.

You’ll sometimes get a winning hand on the first deal. If you do, the machine will let you know by making a sound, and highlighting the winning hand on the pay table. When that happens, hold the cards that make up the winning hand and throw away all the others.

If you’re dealt a pat hand – like a straight or a full house – hold all five cards.

Any winning hand could be dealt to you. Even a Royal flush. But the most commonly dealt winning hand is a pair of high cards. High cards are the face cards Jack, Queen, King and Ace. The others are called low cards. A pair of any high cards qualifies as a pair of jacks or better, and it is a winning hand.

Note: A pair of high cards is the lowest paying winning hand and it pays only even money – the amount of your bet.

If you’re not dealt a winning hand, look for a low pair. You don’t want to miss a low pair. A low pair is also a common hand and even though it doesn’t pay anything by itself, it’s one of the most improvable hands that you can be dealt. A low pair can easily convert to many winning hands like two pair, three of a kind,  a full house or or even four of a kind. However, if you have any four cards that are of the same suit hold them instead of a low pair.

Whether you have a low pair not, hold the four cards that are of the same suit if you have a non-paying hand. And the same is true if you have three or four cards that are part of a Royal Flush. Those are the only non-paying hands that are better to hold than a low pair.

Next, If you don’t have a low pair (or four suited cards), check to see if you have four cards to an outside straight. When you have four cards to an outside straight, there are eight cards in the deck that could complete the hand. For example, if you’re dealt 6, 7, 8, 9 it could be completed if you draw a five or a ten by finishing the straight on either side of the four cards. But never draw to an inside straight when playing Jacks or Better.

Holding a low pair is much better than holding one or two high cards regardless of whether the high cards are suited or not. So don’t be tempted by two high cards if you have a low pair. They look pretty but if you hold them instead of a low pair you’ll lose your money too quickly.

So that’s the basics. You just read a simple but powerful strategy that I hope you use. With a little practice you’ll be playing better than most video poker players, but most importantly, you’ll be able to  play longer and win more often.

Now let’s review what we’ve learned.

• If you’re dealt a winning hand, hold the winning cards and throw away all the others. Hold the money.

• Look for and hold low pairs unless you have four cards that are all of the same suit or three or four cards to a Royal flush.

• Holding a low pair is better than holding a four card open straight but hold the straight over two high cards and hold up to two high cards if you don’t have anything else.

• Finally, if you don’t have any high cards, throw all five cards away.

You’re now ready to practice video poker on your own. And if you learn better by seeing rather than reading, here’s a link to the YouTube Video.

Think lucky!