Are Lucky Keno Numbers Really A Thing?

The Deal About ‘Lucky’ Numbers
At, we’re all about peeling back the curtain on Video Keno and Video Poker. One question we hear a lot: “What’s the luckiest number in Video Keno?” Spoiler alert—it’s a trick question! There’s no such thing. Video Keno’s magic comes from a Random Number Generator (RNG), a digital wizard that picks 20 numbers out of 80 every game. Each number—1 through 80—has the same shot, a flat 25% chance of lighting up. No hot streaks, no cold spells, just pure, unbiased chaos.

The RNG resets with every play, pulling from a fresh pool of 80 numbers like a shuffled deck in Video Poker. So, that “lucky 7” you hit last round? It’s got no edge next time. It could come up 7 times in a row or you could never see it for the next hour. Players love to spot patterns—4, 23, 34 popping up often?—but that’s just the gambler’s mind trying to make sense of the game. Over millions of draws, every number evens out. In one session, though, it’s anyone’s game—randomness rules, not fate.

Believers Beware: Some shady folks out there sell “lucky number” systems, preying on Keno newbies who don’t know better. They’ll hawk secret lists or “proven” picks, promising jackpots for a price. Don’t fall for it. They’re just cashing in on your hopes, not cracking any code—because there’s no code to crack! The RNG’s too smart, and in regulated machines, it’s locked down tight by gaming authorities.

What you can do with Keno is learn techniques to play longer, win more often, and have a better chance at bigger jackpots. Using The Mystic Keno Charts can help you do that. Pick your Keno spots with guts or whimsy—7 for luck, 42 for Hitchhiker’s Guide vibes, whatever sparks joy. The Mystic Keno Charts work with your numbers, not from Merlin. The machine’s not whispering secrets, but your strategy can still make the magic happen.

Play Keno games for fun and practice (no gambling)

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